
ITC19 Excursion to Great Wall, 9/1/05

On 9/1/2005 Thursday, We went to the Great Wall, the Ding Tomb, and some shops on the way. On our bus, I became a volunteer tour guide, reading a couple of articles without a seat. Because the bus driver told me that a formal tour guide should not sit, and I should pretend to be the one to avoid any trouble from the inspection. Whatever, I enjoyed reading. Contact me for more details on next opportunity like this.
Following pictures are from Dr. ZANG Hui of SprintLabs, Prof. Ralf Lehnert of Tech Univ of Dresden of Germany, and Nicolas Bonneau of INRIA, France. BTW, if you need a tour guide next time, they might provide me nice references :)
Traffic is not very smooth. After we arrived at Ba Da Ling 八达岭, we got very short time - one hour to climb up and back. I have to run to the nearest peak to the south side. It was good to realize that my ankles got recovered.


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